
Friday 13 March 2015

Knitting Videos

 If you need some knitting  help or would like to learn the basics, check out these videos!
The School Knitting Club meets on Wednesdays at noon in the library. We can provide you with wool and needles to get started. Come and join the fun!

How they make maple syrup in Canada

I Know a Librarian Who Chewed on a Word by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

Have you heard any good books lately?
Listen to the story. Do you know the word the librarian chewed?  Enter the contest when we return to school.


Trivia Facts: Weird but True!

Do you like trivia? Do you know some unusual facts?
Post them below in the comments box. Please cite your sources.

Did you know. .  .
Skunks have striped skin under their fur? (pg. 56)
We lose 100 hairs a day?  (pg. 12)
Your brain is about 3/4 water?  (pg. 36)
From National Geographic KIDS, Weird but True 3.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

.How to Make Action Origami Jumping Frogs .

How far can your frog jump?

Put Me in a Book by Robert Munsch

Would you like to be a character in a book?